Convey your deepest sympathies and caring thoughts during their time of loss with this classic basket arrangement. Elegantly hand-designed by our caring florists from lovely white and lavender blooms, it arrives with a beautiful cherub remembrance statue delicately tucked inside. This touching keepsake can be placed in the garden or any special room in the home to offer peace and comfort, while providing warm memories of a loved one who has passed
Convey your deepest sympathies and caring thoughts during their time of loss with this classic basket arrangement. Elegantly hand-designed by our caring florists from lovely white and lavender blooms, it arrives with a beautiful cherub remembrance statue delicately tucked inside. This touching keepsake can be placed in the garden or any special room in the home to offer peace and comfort, while providing warm memories of a loved one who has passed
Convey your deepest sympathies and caring thoughts during their time of loss with this classic basket arrangement. Elegantly hand-designed by our caring florists from lovely white and lavender blooms, it arrives with a beautiful cherub remembrance statue delicately tucked inside. This touching keepsake can be placed in the garden or any special room in the home to offer peace and comfort, while providing warm memories of a loved one who has passed
All prices in USD ($)
Due to seasonal price increase on flowers and floral supplies, our prices will reflect an increase for this holiday on certain delivery dates.
SMALL - $149.99
MEDIUM (AS SHOWN) - $174.99
LARGE - $199.99